Friday, March 15, 2013

Mommy Mantra

A friend of mine wrote a blog post recently about how difficult it can sometimes be as a mom to balance everything in your life: kids, work, home, husband, etc. In her words, it can sometimes feel like you're barely treading water. (Shout out Jayme! :) I found this to be very relevant because I think this is something that every mom has struggled with at some point or another. (I know I have.) As moms, it is easy to get bogged down by our busy lives and feel overwhelmed, tired, and stressed.

I've been doing this whole mom thing for going on 15 months now, and during that time I have created what I call my Mom Mantra, to help me deal with moments like this. The mantra is, "I'll do my best". It's simple, but if I repeat it to myself it helps calm me when I get overwhelmed by everything going on in my life.

If I have a hectic work day or Sophie is being uncooperative, and I feel like I'm struggling to get through the day, I think to myself, I'll do my best to get through this day/hour/minute. And when I lay down at night and recap the day in my head, and say to myself, "I did my best", then that's all that matters. If I didn't get everything done on my to do list, or I lost my cool for a few minutes, it doesn't matter, because I tried my best, and that's really all we can do.

I also think this mantra helps me keep an even head, and not get wrapped up in comparing myself to other moms who seem to be effortlessly doing it all. Because we all know that isn't the case. There is no mom out there who is navigating everything perfectly; it just isn't possible. So give yourselves a break fellow mamas! And, know that if you're doing your best, you are doing enough. And more likely than not, you are doing a fantastic job. :)

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